Stellar Workshop – Advancing Insect Contamination Mitigation for Laminar Wings: Innovations in Coating and Testing Technologies.
Von Karman Institute (VKI) - Rhode-Saint-Genèse
Advancing Insect Contamination Mitigation for Laminar Wings: Innovations in Coating and Testing Technologies.
Particularly concerned with reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, the aeronautic industry designs structures and materials to preserve laminar flow and reduce drag. Controlling laminar flow is a way of ensuring that the air flows around certain parts of the aircraft in parallel layers, and can reduce fuel consumption by 5 to 10%. At the leading edges of aircraft wings, insects hitting and sticking to the surface act as boundary layer disturbances that lead to a loss of laminarity. The accumulation of insect debris on the leading edge of laminar wings has been recognised as one of the most significant operational problems associated with laminar flow. Over the years, various approaches have been proposed, including the use of coatings to mitigate insect contamination and preserve laminar flow.
The objective of this workshop is to present an overview of recent innovation in coating and testing technologies. The workshop is organized in the frame of the EU funded STELLAR project (CLEANSKY). The workshop programme includes presentations on developments carried out as part of the STELLAR and related projects.
Detailed programavailable HERE