Life Cycle Thinking


Introduction to life cycle thinking

Short module to raise awareness of the principles of life cycle thinking and eco-design and their benefits.

Duration: About 2 hours

Introduction to the circular economy

Short module to raise awareness of the principles of the circular economy.

Duration: Approximately 2 hours

Introduction to life cycle assesment

Understand how an LCA study works. Know how to interpret the results and use them as a decision-making tool. Use LCA results in your communication. The limits of LCA. Practical exercise(s).

Duration: Minimum 2 half days

Life cycle thinking in ISO 14001

Understand the requirements of ISO 14001 in terms of "life cycle perspective". Valorize the company's experience and identify ways to improve.

Duration: 2 to 4 hours

Tailor-made training session

To combine several modules, to tackle complementary topics or to integrate practical cases studies specific to your company into the training session, please contact us.

Duration: according to the program agreed by both parties