Revêtements ; PFAS ; Molécules organiques ;

Coatings without PFAS (Per/Poli Fluoro Alkyl Substances)

PFAS are organic molecules containing fluorine; their chemical structure gives them very important properties such as Hydrophobicity and Oleophobicity, Chemical Resistance, Wear and Corrosion Resistance, Thermal Resistance), and this is the reason why they are used to obtain excellent results in various industrial sectors, including automotive. PFAS are highly volatile substances that can persist in the air for days and be transported before falling and contaminating soil and water as well as food (fish, fruit and meat). The levels of PFAS in the blood of consumers and workers are high because these molecules are not destroyed by the body or by the sun and are responsible for alterations in metabolism. They determine certain risk conditions that can lead to an increase in chronic non-communicable diseases.

Materia Nova is working on innovative coatings for water and oil repellent properties without PFAS or current alternatives based on short C-F compounds. Through these development projects, we aim to achieve the following medium-term objectives:

  • 100% replacement of poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFA) - Biologically derived materials: 25-80% of formulation content
  • Limited release of components - Neutral coating to avoid migration on both sides of the coating with a very limited release that would not alter the emulsion (skin contact, aroma...)
  • Improved adhesion of the coating to the substrates for good washout resistance.
  • Reduction of VOC emissions by reducing solvent content
  • Materials that are compatible or support recyclability or reusability - No elements that may impact recyclability/compostability
  • Requirements of the packaging, food (food contact on food trays) and cosmetic industries
  • Compatible with industrial processes (spraying, curing)
  • Transparency/transluency

3 applications are envisaged: cellulose food trays, textiles and glass packaging.

Discover the work carried out as part of our BIO-SUSHI project



Our strengths :

  • In-depth knowledge of sol-gel matrices in order to give them specific functionalities: anti-fouling, anti-microbial properties, color, etc.
  • Experiences in the development of biodegradable and recyclable materials and in the additives allowing to confer the required functionalities.
  • Thanks to its range of analyses and structural, thermal, morphological, mechanical, biodegradation, bioresorption and fire characterizations, Materia Nova can cover the entire development and validation chain for one or more properties.
  • Materia Nova's Life Cycle Assessment Department conducts life cycle assessments, which quantify environmental performance using standardized and scientifically recognized methods.

Our projects for this solution