HECO2 – PLASMALYSE ; Hybride ; Énergie

The European Union wants to make "clean" hydrogen a key part of the energy mix by 2050.

Hydrogen can be used as a raw material, fuel or carrier and as an energy storage solution. It has many possible applications in the industrial, transport, electrical and construction sectors. More importantly, its use does not cause CO2 emissions and does not pollute the atmosphere.

Hydrogen is therefore an important part of the solution to reach the target set by the Green Pact for Europe of climate neutrality by 2050.

Our strengths

  • Materia Nova has been investing for many years in the research and development of clean processes for the production of green hydrogen. In October 2020, it filed a patent on the optimization of the process and equipment for cracking methane (mine gas and biogas) using the Hybrid Plasmalysis process, which produces "turquoise" hydrogen and carbon black. (CH4=> C + H2).
  • Compared to electrolysis and SMR (steam methane reforming) processes, this new innovative process reduces energy consumption by a factor of 2 to 4. It does not generate any CO2 emissions and, thanks to the use of carbon, its cost price is less than €3 / kg H2. This patented manufacturing process allows a higher production of hydrogen (per gram of raw material) and reduces the risk of explosion (vs. O2 / H2). It does not require pure water and does not compete with agricultural land use.
  • Materia Nova is also investing in other green hydrogen production processes such as plasma treatment of biogas, urea electrolysis, bioprocesses (Microbial PEM (Biofuel/H2) but also in related innovations such as new materials for storage and transport and leak detection sensors.

Our sectors of application for this solution